Future Health


Greenberry and Garage2020


Design a concept for a tool that uses passive data to reduce adolescents’ susceptibility to depressive symptoms.

Used Technology

Adobe Indesign, Illustrator, XD

The purpose of this project was to develop a product, service, or app that could use passive data to prevent possible depression in young people. Passive data is data that you do not give out intentionally. For example:






Sound level


How much, how fast and where you scroll

We chose to develop a mobile app to help young people meet each other in real-life and to motivate them to achieve pre-selected goals. The app also had to inform each other when a participant was not doing well. For example, because the youth is less active in the app, does not achieve goals or has little contact with other participants. 

The app had to become a pleasant environment as a tool for daily life. Keeping in touch with friends, achieving daily goals, being able to search for events and or activities. This will ensure that someone who is close to a depression will have to make less effort to be with people.

Download the detailed pdf of the idea here

Download the app design here

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